prāṇa (m)
- (in Sāṃkhya) the spirit
- (in Vedānts) the spirit identified with the totality of dreaming spirits
- a breath (as a measure of time)
- a name of the letter y
- a vital organ vital air
- air inhaled
- breath
- breath (as a sign of strength)
- energy
- life
- myrrh
- name of a ṣi in the 2nd Manvantara
- name of a Kalpa (the 6th day in the light half of Brahmā's month)
- name of a Marut
- name of a Sāman
- name of a son of Dhātṛ
- name of a son of the Vasu Dhara
- name of a son of Vidhātṛ
- name of a Vasu
- name of Brahmā
- name of Viṣṇu
- poetical inspiration
- power
- respiration spirit vitality
- the breath of life
- the time requisite for the pronunciation of 10 long syllables = 1/6 Vināḍikā
- vital points on the body
- wind