liṅga (mn)
- (in logic) = vyāpya
- (in rhet.) an indication (word that serves to fix the meaning of another word)
- (in Sāṃkhya) = prakṛti or pradhāna
- = prātipadika
- = vyakta
- a mark
- a proof
- a sign of guilt
- a symptom
- an idol
- any assumed or false badge or mark
- anything having an origin and therefore liable to be destroyed again
- badge
- characteristic
- conclusion
- corpus delicti
- disguise
- emblem
- evidence
- gender (in gram.)
- guise
- inference
- mark of disease
- mercury
- organ of generation
- reason
- sign
- spot
- the crude base or uninflected stem of a noun (shortened into li)
- the image of a god
- the invariable mark which proves the existence of anything in an object (as in the proposition "there is fire because there is smoke")
- the male organ or Phallus (esp. that of Śiva worshipped in the form of a stone or marble column which generally rises out of a yoni)
- the order of the religious student
- the sign of gender or sex
- token