bandhana (n)
- (in phil.) mundane bondage (opp. to final liberation)
- a bandage
- a bond
- a sinew
- a stalk
- alloying (of metals)
- bandaging
- binding on or round
- binding up
- bridging over
- building
- capturing
- catching
- checking
- clasping
- coherence
- confining
- connection
- construction
- cord
- custody
- detention
- directing towards
- embanking or an embankment
- fastening
- fettering
- fixing upon
- hurting
- imprisonment or a prison
- joining
- junction
- killing
- muscle
- peduncle (of a flower)
- rope
- stem
- suppressing
- tether
- the act of binding
- tie
- tying
- = saṃdhilepa
- one of the Saṃskāras of mercury