kālikā (f)
- a branch of Trichosanthes dioeca
- a dark spot
- a fault or flaw in gold or any metallic element
- a female crow
- a girl of four years old who personates the goddess Durgā at a festival held in honour of that deity
- a kind of female genius
- a kind of fragrant earth
- a kind of Terminalia
- a multitude of clouds
- a name or form of Durgā
- a particular bloodvessel in the ear
- a root said to be brought from Nepal or Morung
- a scorpion
- a small worm or animalcule formed by the fermentation of milk
- blackness or black colour
- change of complexion
- fog
- impurities of metal; blackness of metal
- ink or blacking
- name of a Kiṃnarī
- name of a river
- name of a Vidyādharī
- name of a Yoginī
- name of an attendant of Devī
- name of an attendant of the fourth Arhat
- name of several plants
- one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue
- rust
- snow
- the female of the bird Aṅgāraka
- the female of the bird Turdus macrourus (commonly śyāmā)
- the line of hair extending from the pudenda to the navel
- the liver
- Valeriana Jaṭāmāṃsī
- Vṛścikapattra
- a sort of impurity (doṣa) of mercury or metals or minerals
- one of the seven kañcuka impurities of mercury