śalākā (mf)
- a bone
- a finger
- a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction)
- a particular thorny shrub
- a peg
- a piece of bamboo (borne as a kind of credential by mendicants and marked with their name)
- a porcupine
- a probe
- a ruler
- a sprout
- a toothpick or tooth-brush
- an oblong quadrangular piece of ivory or bone (used in playing a particular game)
- any pointed instrument
- any small stake or stick
- arrow-head
- bar (of a cage or window)
- chip
- name of a town
- name of a woman
- needle
- pencil
- pin
- rib (of an umbrella)
- rod
- shoot of any kind
- splint
- splinter
- sprig
- the quill of a porcupine
- the Sārikā bird
- toe
- Turdus Salica
- twig (smeared with lime for catching birds)
- Vanguieria Spinosa
- [medic.] a kind of surgical instrument