yoga (m)
- (in arithm.) addition
- (in gram.) the connection of words together [v.a. inhaltliche Verbindung weit auseinander stehender Wörter]
- (in Sāṃkhya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mūlikārthās or radical facts)
- a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism
- a follower of the Yoga system
- a means
- a remedy
- a supernatural means
- a trick
- a violator of confidence
- a yoke
- abstract contemplation
- abstract meditation and mental abstraction practised as a system
- acquisition
- any junction
- any simple act or rite conducive to Yoga or abstract meditation
- application
- application or concentration of the thoughts
- arrangement
- attaching
- business
- care
- charm
- combination
- connection
- construction
- contact with (instr. with or without saha)
- conveyance
- cure
- deceit
- device
- diligence
- disposition
- employment
- endeavour
- equipping or arraying (of an army)
- exertion
- expedient
- fitness
- fitting together
- fixing (of an arrow on the bow-string)
- fraud
- gain
- harnessing
- incantation
- industry
- joining
- magical art
- manner
- meditation
- method
- mixture
- name of a variable division of time (during which the joint motion in longitude of the sun and moon amounts to 13 degrees 20 minutes)
- occasion
- opportunity
- original or etymological meaning (as opp. to rūḍhi)
- partaking of
- performance
- possessing (instr. or comp.)
- profit
- property
- propriety
- putting on (of armour)
- putting to (of horses)
- putting together
- regular succession
- relation
- self-concentration
- spy
- stratagem
- sum
- syntactical dependence of a word
- team
- the act of yoking
- the connection of a word with its root
- the leading or principal star of a lunar asterism
- total
- undertaking
- union
- use
- vehicle
- way
- wealth
- work
- Yoga personified (as the son of Dharma and Kriyā)
- zeal