kavi (m)
- (fig.) name of the gates of the sacrificial enclosure
- (probably) name of a particular poet
- a cunning fighter
- a keeper or herd
- a singer
- a thinker
- a wise man
- an owl
- Ã…dityas
- bard
- Indra
- intelligent man
- leader
- man of understanding
- Maruts
- name of a son of Bhṛgu and father of Śukra
- name of a son of Brahmā
- name of a son of Urukṣava
- name of Agni
- name of Brahmā
- name of Pūshan (as leader or guider)
- name of several gods
- name of the ancient sages or patriarchs (as spirits now surrounding the sun)
- name of the planet Venus
- name of the Rbhus (as skilful in contrivance)
- name of the Soma
- name of the Soma priest and other sacrificers
- name of the sons of several Manus
- name of various men
- name of Varuṇa
- name of Vālmīki
- name of Śukra (regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the demons)
- poet (but in this sense without any technical application in the Veda)
- prophet
- sage
- seer
- the Aśvins
- the soul in the Sāṃkhya philosophy
- the sun