siddha (adj)
- accomplished
- acquired
- adjudicated
- admitted to be true or right
- beatified
- become perfect
- brought into subjection (by magical powers)
- celebrated
- cooked
- cured
- decided
- divine
- dressed (as food)
- effected
- effective
- endowed with supernatural faculties
- established
- fulfilled
- gained
- healed
- hit (as a mark)
- holy
- illustrious
- invariable
- liquidated
- miraculous
- notorious
- one who has attained his object
- one who has attained the highest object
- paid
- peculiar
- perfected
- powerful
- prepared
- proved
- ready for payment (as money)
- resulting from
- sacred
- settled
- settled (as a debt)
- singular
- subdued
- subject or obedient to (gen.)
- successful
- supernatural
- terminated (as a lawsuit)
- thoroughly skilled or versed in (dat. or comp.)
- unalterable
- valid (as a rule in grammar)
- well-known