brahman (m)
- (with Jainas) a particular Kalpa
- = brahmaṇa āyuḥ
- a Brāhman who is a knower of Vedic texts or spells
- a devot or religious man
- a kind of plant (?)
- a lifetime of Brahmā
- a particular astron. Yoga
- an inhabitant of Brahmā's heaven
- Aurigae
- Brahmā or the one impersonal universal spirit manifested as a personal Creator and as the first of the triad of personal gods
- name of a magician
- name of a star
- name of Bṛhaspati (as the priest of the gods)
- name of the 9th Muhūrta
- name of the servant of the 10th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi
- name of Śiva
- one of the 4 principal priests or tvijas
- one versed in sacred knowledge
- one who Prays
- the Brahmapurāṇa
- the intellect
- the sun
- the Veda (?)