mokṣa (m)
- (in astron.) the liberation of an eclipsed or occulted planet
- abandonment
- acquittance of an obligation
- casting
- death
- deliverance (of a prisoner)
- discharge of a debt
- effusion
- emancipation
- end of an eclipse
- falling off or down
- hurling
- liberation
- loosing
- name of a river flowing into the Narmadā
- name of particular sacred hymns conducive to final emancipation
- name of the Divine mountain Meru
- release from
- release from worldly existence or transmigration
- relinquishment
- scattering
- Schrebera swietenioides Roxb.
- setting free
- settling (a question)
- shedding or causing to flow (tears, blood etc.)
- shooting
- strewing
- the last contact or separation of the eclipsed and eclipsing bodies
- untying (hair)
- utterance (of a curse)