varṇa (mn)
- (in alg.) an unknown magnitude or quantity
- (in arithm.) the figure "one"
- a co-efficient
- a cover
- a covering
- a kind of measure
- a letter
- a musical sound or note
- a religious observance
- beauty
- caste
- character
- class of men
- cloak
- colour
- colour
- colour = race
- colour of the face
- commendation
- dye
- expeller
- exterior
- figure
- form
- glory
- gold
- good colour or complexion
- kind
- lid
- lustre
- mantle
- nature
- one who wards off
- order
- outward appearance
- pigment
- praise
- property (applied to persons and things)
- quality
- renown
- shape
- sort
- sound
- species
- syllable
- the order or arrangement of a song or poem
- tint
- tribe
- vowel
- word
- an Indian unit of measurement for the proportion of gold in an alloy; 16 varṇas = pure gold