kumārī (f)
- (in the Tantras) any virgin up to the age of sixteen or before menstruation has commenced
- = bandhyākarkoṭakī
- a young girl
- Aloe indica Linn.
- Aloe perfoliata
- Aloe vera Linn.
- Clitoria ternatea
- daughter
- great cardamoms
- Jasminum Sambac
- maiden
- name of a daughter of Vasudeva by Rohiṇī
- name of a metre
- name of a river flowing from the mountain Śuktimat
- name of another river
- name of certain flags (set up along with Indra's banner)
- name of Dākṣāyaṇī (in Māyāpurī)
- name of Sītā (Rāma's wife)
- name of the goddess Durgā
- name of the wife of Bhīmasena (son of Parīkṣit)
- the bird commonly called Śyāmā
- the blossom of the plants Taruṇī and Modinī
- the central part of the universe
- the most southerly of the nine portions of the known continent or of Jambūdvīpa (the southern extremity of the peninsula)