sthiti (f)
- (in astron.) duration of an eclipse
- (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself
- abiding
- any situation or state or position or abode
- axiom
- behaviour
- conduct
- constancy
- continuance in being
- continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty
- continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things)
- continued existence in any place
- conviction
- custom
- decree
- depositing
- devotion or addiction to
- duration
- duration of life
- earth
- establishment of good order (in a state etc.)
- firm persuasion or opinion
- fixed decision
- fixedness
- form
- halting
- halting-place
- high position
- immobility
- inertia (in phil.)
- institution
- intentness on
- laying down
- limit
- maintenance
- maintenance of discipline
- maintenance of life
- manner of acting
- maxim
- not falling
- occurrence
- ordinance
- permanence
- perseverance
- procedure
- propriety
- rank
- rectitude
- regard or consideration for
- remaining
- residence
- resistance to motion
- settled bountary or bounds (esp. of morality)
- settled practice
- settled rule
- shape
- sojourn in or on or at
- stability
- stand or place or fixed abode
- standing
- standing still
- standing upright or firmly
- standing-place
- station
- stay
- staying
- staying or remaining or being in any state or condition
- steadiness
- stopping
- sustenance
- term
- that which continually exists
- the world
- usage
- virtuous conduct