saṃhṛ (1. Å.)
- to abridge
- to annihilate (often opp. to û sṛj)
- to appropriate
- to attract
- to bring or draw together
- to carry off
- to check
- to clench (the fist)
- to close
- to collect
- to compress
- to concentrate (the mind) on
- to contract
- to crumple up
- to crush together
- to curb
- to destroy
- to lay hold of
- to lay or draw aside
- to maintain
- to mix up
- to restrain
- to rob
- to support
- to suppress
- to take away
- to take for one's self
- to take or fetch from (abl.)
- to throw together
- to unite
- to withdraw
- to withhold from (abl.)