sambhū (1. Ã….)
- to accrue to
- to arise
- to assemble
- to attain to (acc.)
- to be
- to be able to or capable of (inf. or loc.)
- to be adequate
- to be born or produced from (abl.)
- to be capable of holding(acc.) with
- to be contained in or numbered among
- to be effective
- to be found
- to be joined or united with (instr. with or without saha)
- to be or become anything (nom.)
- to be or come together
- to be possible
- to be united sexually with
- to develop
- to enter into
- to exist
- to fall to the share of
- to find room in
- to happen
- to meet
- to occur
- to partake of
- to prevail
- to spring up