prayuj (7. Å.)
- to accomplish
- to act
- to begin
- to bring into (acc.)
- to cast
- to cause
- to choose for (two acc.)
- to commence
- to contrive
- to direct
- to discharge
- to display
- to do
- to effect
- to employ
- to exhibit
- to fix
- to hurl at
- to lead towards
- to lend (dat.)
- to order
- to perform
- to place in or on
- to practise
- to prepare for (dat.)
- to produce
- to pronounce
- to recite
- to represent on the stage
- to set in motion
- to speak
- to throw
- to turn (the mind) to
- to undertake
- to unite with (instr.)
- to urge to (dat. or loc.)
- to use
- to utter
- to yoke or join or harness to