mukha (n)
- (in alg.) the first term or initial quantity of a progression
- (in dram.) the original cause or source of the action
- (in geom.) the side opposite to the base
- a direction
- beginning
- best
- cause
- commencement
- copper
- countenance
- entrance into or egress out of (gen. or comp.)
- face
- front
- head
- introduction
- occasion of (gen. or comp.)
- opening aperture
- principal
- quarter
- rock salt
- snout or muzzle of an animal
- source
- the beak of a bird
- the chief
- the edge (of an axe)
- the fore part
- the mouth
- the mouth or embouchure (of a river)
- the mouth or spout of a vessel
- the nipple (of a breast)
- the summit
- the surface
- the upper part
- the Veda
- tip or point of anything
- top
- upper side
- van (of an army)
- a kind of jāraṇā
- (bei kānta: Polarität?)